baby registry favorites

when i was pregnant i wanted to make sure our little girl had everything she needed.  i asked friends and co-workers for advice on what i need and what they could live without.  advice you receive when you are pregnant can be so overwhelming!  i remember walking into a department store to start our registry.  i thought, i did this for my wedding, how hard can it be.  boy was i very very wrong.  i found myself questioning which bath i wanted to get my baby for 20 mintues!!  for being a somewhat decisive person i literally was questioning every item and asking myself if i needed this.  later i realized why it was so hard for me, i had no clue what i was going to need or what my baby would like.

since becoming a new mom i wanted to make a list of my ‘must haves’ for a registry to make life a little easier for you soon to be moms!

  1. swing.  i have this as number one because this was the only thing my baby would sleep in and therefore the only way i could get some sleep!  i love this one from buy buy baby.
  2. rock n play.  instead of a bassinet, we chose to use this rock n play.  it’s small, easy to move around and bring with us for quick weekend trips.  kennedy loves that it rocks!  can you tell there is a theme with her and wanting to be moving.
  3. stroller.  i wanted to have a stroller that was easy to use but would also grow with our family.  this is the perfect one.  our dog even likes to ride in the bottom when he can’t walk anymore!
  4. baby carrier.  i tried many different baby carrier’s and fell in love with this one.  with an infant insert, you can start using this when they are 7lbs.  perfect way to bond with your baby but also get things done around the house.  not only does it grow with your baby but can you resist how cute it is!
  5. bath.  this is another piece that will grow with your baby.  i love anything and everything that will save space! this adorable aquarium bath has been perfect for us.
  6. bath soap and lotions.  one of my favorite things to do is give kennedy a bath.  she absolutely loves her bath time and i couldn’t be more excited.  these are my favorite bath time products.  body wash, shampoo and lotion.
  7. cleaning cloths.  don’t have time for a full bath but your baby spit up everywhere..these noodle and boo cleaning cloths are my favorite and smell so nice.
  8. boppythis one is such a great support for when i’m nursing.  don’t forget a cute cover for it too.  this one i love.
  9. bottles.  kennedy was colicky so i love these bottles to help her not take in too much air.
  10. diaper genie.  this is a must have.  i have found this to be so convenient that i can’t imagine our life without one.  this one is cheaper than some other brands and does the trick great!
  11. wipe warmer.  something i didn’t get because everyone told me not too.  however, if you have a baby in the winter, this is so nice for them so they don’t get fully woken up by a cold wipe.  remember, you are changing diapers all the time when they are little!  this wipe warmer i wish i would have had from the beginning.
  12. diaper bag.  i love how versatile, and cute! this one is.  bonus, you can throw the whole thing in the washer!
  13. activity gym.  as kennedy got a little older (as in 2 months) she loved her playtime on this mat!  it was so fun to watch her look at all the animals and colors all while listening to music too.  small enough to put in our living room and let her play while i cook dinner.
  14. outfits and bows.  this was my favorite part.  honestly, i was so happy we were having a girl because of the variety of clothes and bows!  some of my favorites are here, here and here.  i also love these top knot bows.





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